With over thirty years as a successful strategist, executive and organizational/development coach in the healthcare industry, I have on-the-ground experience facilitating various strategic growth and transformation initiatives.
My mission is empowering female leaders and healthcare organizations to thrive through the mastery of evidence-based tools, cutting-edge technology, and life-changing conscious coaching.
I teach leaders and providers who are currently burned out and exhausted how to thrive, even when stress and tensions are high.
My clients achieve significant operational gains, but also are able to connect and care for their patients with greater ease while thriving at home and loving coming to work.
I hold an MBA in healthcare, am a certified Neurochange Solutions Consultant, a HeartMath Coherence+ Trainer, and am a licensed NES Health BioEnergetix Practitioner.
Clients we work with report sustained changes in their lives, they have joy and feel free and whole. Organizations experience higher revenues, less staff turnover, and greater success transforming company culture. Staff express feeling excited about work and life again while gaining tools they can use to reliably think, act and create joyfully, not from stress and survival. Curious how I do it?
We identify your individual and/or organizational goals, your progress toward them, and identify possible leaks that are sabotaging the success and harmony of your initiatives.
Our team goes to work implementing science-based, proven techniques for better staff communication, collaboration, stress-relief, self-regulation and greater joy and wellbeing.
Our practitioners help you apply and measure these methods long term to ensure successful implementation, create a thriving environment, and transmute problems and crisis into possibilities and solutions.
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